From Nobody to Somebody

Text: Ephesians 2:11-22

Truth: God brought us all together into one body so that we can be His dwelling place here on earth.

Thrust: We must always be grateful to God for His amazing grace.

Thesis: Since God brought us all together into one body so that we can be His dwelling place here on earth, we must always be grateful to God for His amazing grace.

Turning Point: We only became a somebody when we were joined into His body.

Theme: God’s amazing grace

Topic: Why God has brought us together into one body

Title: From a Nobody to a Somebody

Tagline: Get connected.


  1. People are longing to be recognized. They aspire to be a somebody.
  2. Being disregarded or treated as a non-entity is the worse treatment of all.
  3. This is the reason why we try so hard to accomplish something. We believe this is the way to gain self-respect.
  4. But often we still end up rejected because people are fickle-minded. It’s hard to please everyone.
  5. Only in Christ can we experience what we really long for. In Him we become a somebody — a person of worth or value.
  6. According to Paul, God brought us all together into one body so that we can be His dwelling place here on earth. (Eph 2:11-22)
  7. Our true value is found only in Him. We became a somebody when we were joined into His body.
  8. We must not forget this profound transformation. We must always be grateful to God for His amazing grace.
  9. Remember, we can only became a somebody when we are joined into His body. It is only by His amazing grace that this can happen.
  10. Let us always give thanks to Him for what He has done in and for us through His son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Get connected.