Grace Unexpected and Undeserved

Text: Ephesians 2:1-10

Truth: God’s grace saved us before God’s wrath could destroy us.

Thrust: We must always appreciate God’s grace in all of our lives.

Thesis: Since God’s grace saved us before God’s wrath could destroy us, we must always appreciate God’s grace in all of our lives.

Turning Point: If God didn’t save you, He would have destroyed you.

Theme: God’s Grace

Topic: What God did for us by His grace

Title: Grace Unexpected & Undeserved

Tagline: Thank God.


  1. The trouble with blindsides is that you don’t see the other side.
  2. This is especially true with our spiritual condition.
  3. If God didn’t save us, He would have destroyed us.
  4. Paul tells us our pitiful condition prior to being saved — we were hopeless! (Eph 2:1-10)
  5. Sin brings about certain destruction. It’s just a matter of time.
  6. The trouble, according to Paul, is that we didn’t know it and there was nothing we could do about it.
  7. Salvation is all by grace from beginning to end.
  8. If God didn’t save us, He would have destroyed us.
  9. We must always appreciate God’s grace in all of our lives. This is our only choice, given our condition.
  10. Grace is always unexpected & undeserved. It’s all about God from beginning to end. Thank God.