The Gospel as Good News

Text: 1 Timothy 1:12-17

**** (exegesis of the original message)

Theme: Grace and Mercy for Sinners

Topic: Why Paul the worst of sinners was given grace and mercy

Truth: The true Gospel is all about saving sinners, not condemning them.

Thrust: Timothy must proclaim this Gospel to save others also.

Thesis (main theology of the passage): Since the true Gospel is all about saving sinners, not condemning them, Timothy must proclaim this Gospel to save others also.

***** (transition into sermon making)

Turning Point (the modern day version of the truth): The Gospel is good news, not bad news.

Tagline (the modern day version of the thrust): Let’s give hope to sinners through the Gospel.

Title (modern day version of the theme or topic): The Gospel as Good News

Thoughts (explanation, proof and application of the Turning Point and Tagline):

It’s natural, even for Christians, to focus more on the sins and moral failures of people. We tend to criticize and bemoan how evil society is, or how wicked people are, etc. But this is precisely the reason why Jesus came into this world — to save sinners. Paul is a prime example of God’s mercy and grace. Although he was a sinner, God poured out His grace upon him and saved him. He did this so that Paul may be an example of God’s unconditional mercy and compassion. Therefore, we must focus more on the hope of the Gospel. While it is true that there would be judgment someday, the main emphasis of the Gospel is good news for all sinners. Let us preach that rather than hell, fire and brimstone!


Lord, help me to give hope to people like me, who are also sinners like I am. Let me not focus more on their failures and sins. Instead, help me to tell them the good news that through Jesus Christ they can be saved. They can have a new beginning in and through Jesus Christ our Lord. To God be the glory. Amen.