Multiplying the Next You

Text: 2 Timothy 3:10-17 Exegesis Theme: Multiplying Leaders Topic: How Paul multiplied himself effectively through Timothy Truth: The key to effective leadership multiplication is reliable relationships coupled with reliable revelation. Thrust: Timothy must continue with what he has learned because he learned them from reliable people such as Paul and from the Scriptures, which is always reliable. Exposition …

Crazy Christians

Text: 2 Timothy 3:1-9 Exegesis Theme: The Last Days Topic: How would people in the last days live their lives Truth: People in the last days would live foolish lives contrary to the truth. Thrust: Timothy must be careful that he does end up like them. Exposition Theme: Worldly people Topic: How do worldly people live their lives Truth: Worldly people live …

Watch Yourself

Text: 2 Timothy 2:22-26 Exegesis Theme: The Lord’s Servant Topic: How Timothy can be an effective servant of God Truth: The Lord’s servant must watch himself in order to help others watch themselves. Thrust: Timothy must learn to watch himself and his relationship with God, so that he can help others watch themselves. Exposition Theme: Servants of God Topic: How Christians …

Faithful and Useful

Text: 2 Timothy 2:20-21 Exegesis Theme: Usefulness to God Topic: Who is useful to God Truth: A holy person is useful to God. Thrust: Timothy must pursue holiness at all times so that he can be useful to God. Exposition Theme: Usefulness to God Topic: Who is useful to God Truth: A holy person is useful to God. Thrust: Christians must pursue holiness …

Credibility in Ministry

Text: 2 Timothy 2:14-19 Exegesis Theme: Credibility in ministry Topic: How Timothy can retain his credibility in his ministry Truth: Credibility in ministry is retained through preaching and practicing the truth. Thrust: Timothy must learn to preach and practice the truth in his life and ministry, so that he can retain his credibility. Exposition Theme: Credibility in ministry Topic: How Christians can …

Are you sure?

Text: 2 Timothy 2:8-13 Exegesis Theme: Paul’s reason for enduring suffering for Jesus Topic: Why Paul was willing to endure everything for Jesus Truth: Paul was sure that Jesus will save all those who hear the good news and believe in Him. Thrust: Timothy must always remember the reason why he is in the ministry, the certainty …

Attitude and Altitude

Text: 2 Timothy 2:3-7 Exegesis Theme: Timothy’s Success as a Leader  Topic: How Timothy can become a successful leader Truth: The key to success in Christian leadership is focus, discipline, and steadfastness. Thrust: Timothy must focus and remain disciplined and steadfast as a leader in order to be successful. Exposition Theme: Success in leadership Topic: How to …

Multiplying Leaders

Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-2 Exegesis Theme: Multiplication of Leaders Topic: How Timothy can multiply leaders Truth: Multiplication happens through personal and intentional mentoring. Thrust: Timothy must personally and intentionally mentor potential leaders who can do what he has been doing. Exposition Theme: Leadership Development Topic: How leaders can develop other leaders Truth: Leaders are developed through personal and intentional mentoring. …

Encouragement from Someone

Text: 2 Timothy 1:15-18 Exegesis Theme: Paul’s response to people in his time of need Topic: How Paul responded to people who discouraged him and also to people who encouraged him in his time of need Truth: Paul accepted discouragement from many people but thanked the Lord for at least one family (Onesiphorus) who encouraged him in his …