Title: Healthy Friendships Text: Proverbs 12:26 Take-off (INTRO) Interesting beginning – How would you describe a true friend? (Give them time to write or think about it, then they can share with each other.) Need raised – Friends, especially close friends, can have a very strong influence in our lives. They can influence as for …
Title: Ready to Follow Text: Matthew 28:16-20 Take-off (INTRO) Interesting beginning – (your own story) Need raised – Real life is full of opportunities as well as challenges. It’s both exciting and also dangerous. If we’re not ready for real life, we can easily become one of the casualties. Text engaged – Matthew 28:16-20 tells …
Series: Seven Checkpoints Sermon Title: Choosing Wisely Date: March 22, 2014 SERMON OUTLINE Introduction (Take-off) Interesting beginning – come up with a story that can help you to transition to the need. Need – Young people, when faced with choices, usually ask “Is there anything wrong with this?” Actually what they mean is “Am I …
Take-off Interesting beginning – Michelangelo Painting at the Sistine Chapel (The Creation of Adam) Need – Many do not grow in their love for Jesus because they do not the difference between God’s part and our part. Text/Topic – What is God’s part (through the Holy Spirit) and what is our part? Relevance/Revelation – “God …