
Choosing Wisely

Series: Seven Checkpoints Sermon Title: Choosing Wisely Date: March 22, 2014 SERMON OUTLINE Introduction (Take-off) Interesting beginning – come up with a story that can help you to transition to the need. Need – Young people, when faced with choices, usually ask “Is there anything wrong with this?” Actually what they mean is “Am I …

The Bond of Brothers

Text: Ephesians 6:21-24 Truth: Over and above leadership is communityship/relationship. Thrust: We must not forget that we are brothers first. Thesis: Since relationship/communityship is above leadership, we must not forget that we are brothers first. Turning Point: Before we are leaders, we are first brothers. Theme: Leadership/Communityship/Relationships Topic: How we can prioritize our relationships even …

Light Living

Text: Ephesians 5:3-20 Truth: God’s people are people of the light. Thrust: We must live differently from those who do not know the Lord. Thesis: Since God’s people are people of the light, we must live differently from those who do not know the Lord. Turning Point: How we live is who we are. Theme: …

Show me!

Text: Ephesians 4:17-24 Truth: The way we live reveals what we have come to believe as the truth. Thrust: We must examine our lifestyle to see if it conforms with the truth. Thesis: Since the way we live reveals what we have come to believe as the truth, we must examine our lifestyle to see …

The Good News

Text: Ephesians 3:1-13 Truth: To preach the Gospel is the highest privilege of all. Thrust: We must never feel sorry for those who are suffering in fulfilling that privilege. Thesis: Since preaching the Gospel is the highest privilege of all, we must never feel sorry for those who are suffering in fulfilling that privilege. Turning Point: …