Grow in Faith, Show by Love

Text: Philemon 1:1-7

Theme: Philemon’s Growth
Topic: Why Philemon must continue to grow in his faith
Truth: When his faith grows, his love for others will also grow.
Thrust: Philemon must continue to grow in his faith so that he can continue to grow his love for others also.

Theme: Christian Growth
Topic: Why it’s important for a believer to grow in his or her faith
Truth: When faith grows, love for others also grow.
Thrust: Believers must continue to grow in their faith so that their love for others will also grow.

Type: truth oriented passage
Take home message: Love can only grow when faith grows.
Topical question: Why must we grow in our faith?
Teaching outline:
1. The threat of individualism is growing in the churches.
2. The result is that the love of many has grown cold.
3. The root cause is not a lack of activities or teaching.
4. The root cause is the lack of personal spiritual formation.
5. Believers are not processing and applying the truth in their lives.
6. We need to hear Paul’s prayer for Philemon (Philemon 1:1-7)
7. Love can only grow when faith grows.
8. We need to learn how to process God’s truth better so that we can see more fruit in our lives, especially the fruit of love.