No More Karate Kid

Text: Ephesians 6:10-20

Truth: Our struggle in the Christian life is not against people but against Satan and his demons in the spiritual realm.

Thrust: We must fight against Satan and his demons using spiritual means at all times.

Thesis: Since our struggle in the Christian life is spiritual, we must fight using spiritual means at all times.

Turning point: The nature of the fight determines the nature of the weapons used.

Theme: Spiritual Warfare/Christian Life

Topic: How to fight spiritually against spiritual enemies

Title: No More Karate Kid

Tagline: Face the challenge.


  1. We are in a state of war!
  2. Some Christians are not aware that they are in the midst of a fierce spiritual warfare.
  3. Ignorant believers tend to be come casualties rather than victors in the fight.
  4. We are not meant to be defeated in this warfare. God has provided for us to win the battle.
  5. But if we are not aware of the nature of the fight, we might be tempted to fight using worldly weapons instead (e.g. religious practices).
  6. Our fight is spiritual in nature. Therefore, we must fight using spiritual means instead (Eph 6:10-13).
  7. In Eph 6:14-20, Paul tells us to use the following spiritual means: a) a spiritual armor (vv.14-17a), and b) three spiritual weapons (v.17b-20, word of God, prayer, and evangelism).
  8. Remember, the nature of the fight determines the nature of the weapons used. Face the challenge.