Show me!

Text: Ephesians 4:17-24

Truth: The way we live reveals what we have come to believe as the truth.

Thrust: We must examine our lifestyle to see if it conforms with the truth.

Thesis: Since the way we live reveals what we have come to believe as the truth, we must examine our lifestyle to see if it conforms with the truth.

Turning Point: How we live reveals what we truly believe.

Theme: Christian Living

Topic: How Christians should live

Title: Show me!

Tagline: Practice truth.


  1. It’s hard to know what is genuine these days.
  2. Imitations and clones are legion.
  3. Christianity as a type of culture can easily be imitated or cloned.
  4. But the Gospel as the truth that guides or molds our life is something that cannot be cloned or imitated.
  5. The truth always shows itself, often in unguarded moments.
  6. What we truly believe is how we will live. Or to put it in another way, how we live reveals what we truly believe.
  7. We cannot lie to the truth by living contrary to it. The truth will always reveal or show itself in our lives.
  8. This is the reason why we must examine our lifestyle to see if it conforms with the truth.
  9. The world is looking for genuine truth carriers. Just like when you’re buying genuine software, you see the authentic serial number on the package.
  10. How we live reveals what we truly believe. Truth shows. Practice truth.