Month: August 2010

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Text: Ephesians 4:17-24 Truth: The way we live reveals what we have come to believe as the truth. Thrust: We must examine our lifestyle to see if it conforms with the truth. Thesis: Since the way we live reveals what we have come to believe as the truth, we must examine our lifestyle to see …

The Good News

Text: Ephesians 3:1-13 Truth: To preach the Gospel is the highest privilege of all. Thrust: We must never feel sorry for those who are suffering in fulfilling that privilege. Thesis: Since preaching the Gospel is the highest privilege of all, we must never feel sorry for those who are suffering in fulfilling that privilege. Turning Point: …

Your Most Important Secret

Text: Ephesians 1:1-14 Truth: The single most important change that has happened to a Christian is the fact that God has united him/her with Christ. Thrust: Every Christian must always remember and give thanks to God for his/her identity in Christ which transforms everything in his/her life from natural to spiritual. Thesis: Since the single …

Long Distance

Text: Philippians 4:21-23 Truth: There’s a strong spiritual bond that unites all true saints everywhere regardless of where they are. Thrust: We must never allow any gap to remain between brothers and sisters in Christ. Thesis: Since there’s a strong spiritual bond that unites all true saints everywhere regardless of where they are, we must …