A Few Good Men

Text: Philippians 2:19-30

Truth: Commitment to the work of Christ is rare even among those who serve God.

Thrust: We must honor those who do so in the church.

Thesis: Since commitment to the work of Christ is rare even among those who serve God, we must honor those who do so in the body of Christ.

Turning Point: We must honor those who deserve honor.

Theme: Honoring people in the church

Topic: Who should we honor in the church

Title: A Few Good Men

Tagline: Start honoring.


  1. Commitment is a rare commodity these days.
  2. Most people are concerned only with their own interests and needs.
  3. The church suffers because of lack of commitment.
  4. People only give their leftovers rather than their best to God.
  5. But a few good men — men of great commitment to the cause of Christ — can accomplish much.
  6. Paul talks of such men in Philippians 2:19-30. Men like Timothy reveal their focus in the work of Christ (vv.19-24). Men like Epaphroditus reveal their passion in the work of Christ (vv.25-30).
  7. Focus and passion are rare commodities these days. We must affirm anyone who shows this kind of commitment in the church. We must honor those who deserve honor.
  8. Have you seen a few good men lately? Find them. Keep them. Honor them. Start honoring.