Text: Philippians 1:1-2
Truth: Churches must be governed by a plurality of leaders.
Thrust: We must pursue a church structure that promotes a plurality of leaders.
Thesis: Since church must be governed by a plurality of leaders, we must pursue a structure that promotes a plurality of leadership.
Turning Point: No leader is as smart as many leaders.
Theme: Church Leadership
Topic: How a church can best structure its leadership
Title: The Leadership Network
Tagline: Develop leaders.
- The world promotes and values leadership.
- The church needs good leadership.
- Sometimes the church looks to the world for guidance concerning how it should pursue leadership.
- God shows us through His word how He wants His church to be led.
- According to Paul, the church must be governed by a plurality of leaders. Philippians 1:1-2
- Governance and execution are two different things.
- Governance requires a collection of wisdom in order to come up with the best option. No leader is as smart as many leaders.
- Execution may require only one or a few people. But governance requires a collection of minds and hearts.
- The Bible teaches that we should pursue a structure in church leadership that honors and values plurality of leadership.
- How does it work? A collection of leaders must decide on that. Remember, no leader is as smart as many leaders. Develop leaders.